The past few days have been a struggle for everyone in New Zealand and it is okay to
not be okay. At times like this it is important for companies to have discussions with
staff of the support networks that are available in the company if they need them.
These networks could be external mental health services or internal support from people within the company. Someone putting their hand up to talk with people if they need an outlet. the company offering support at home, someone arranging a team walk or activity, an offer
to help them complete a task. The small gestures can go a long way.
Mental health affects everyone in a different way, and we need to support and offer kindness at this time.
Work is generally good for people’s health and general wellbeing. Most people see work as central to their self-worth, confidence, social participation and long-term well being for
their families.
Workplaces are recognised as an important setting for health promotion and wellbeing support. There is a clear relationship between impact of work and a healthy lifestyle.

The wheel of wellbeing may help people through this time. Wellbeing promotes people to be active, learn, give, connect, take notice of the good, take care of our planet.
“2/3 adults experience mental illness, everyone experiences grief”
The past few days have been a struggle for everyone in New Zealand and it is okay to not be okay. If you require any support from the business please let management or your supervisor know.
Alternatively please contact one of the below services that can help: