Using Lock Out and De-energising procedures are important to complete to ensure machinery or equipment maintenance work can be completed in a safe manner and avoid serious injuries to workers.
Machines and equipment that have not been Locked Out or de-energised can
often unexpectedly start when work is being completed. They can start from
someone accidentally starting them up or energy remaining in the machine or
What is Lock Out and De-energisation?
Lock Out and De-energisation must be done in combination to effectively
prevent the release of energy that could potentially cause injury.
Lock Out refers to using lock(s) to isolate an energy source or to ensure
machinery or equipment is inoperable. When applying Lock Out, each worker
involved in the work must be applying a lock and hold onto their individual key,
while maintenance is carried out. This way the machine or equipment cannot
be restarted before every worker is made aware of the intent to un-lock
and reenergise the item.
De-energisation means removing the energy from machinery or equipment and
testing the item to ensure no energy or pressure remains and it is unlikely to
restart itself during maintenance work.
Steps for Lock Out and De-energisation

Restoring and Unlocking
Once work is completed and the locks have been removed, energy to the
machinery or equipment can be restored it is best practice to complete a test
run of the item to ensure that the machine or equipment is functioning as it
should before handing the item back to workers.