Spring cleaning is not just for the house. Start Spring cleaning your health and safety now to ensure it is all up to date before the close down over the Xmas holiday break. Come back refreshed and worry free* with this checklist.
When was the last time you reviewed your health and safety? Is the documentation still current?
Are all staff up to date with their training? When do their certificates expire?
When were the first aid kits and fire extinguishers last checked?
When was the last fire/ earthquake drill? Is it time to have another?
Are vehicle and tool kits fully stocked?
Do all vehicles/ machinery have up to date WOFs and Regos? Does anything need fixing or replacing?
Are the vehicles clean? (There is a bit of rubbish and an odd smell coming from the apprentices van.)
Is all electrical equipment tested and tagged?
Are Hazardous substances tidy and stored correctly?
Is there sunblock and sunhats available for all staff?
Is there Squincher available for staff? (It’s meant to be a hot summer)Is health monitoring up to date? Does anyone need an appointment booked?
Is staff contact information up to date? How about next of kin?
Are harnesses and other confined space/ height equipment in working order and certified?
Are all hard hats valid? Is all other PPE gear in good condition?
Are staff respiratory fit tested? Is respiratory equipment clean?
Is everyone who wears a mask clean shaven?
*Cannot promise refreshed and worry free return