Cold and flu season is quickly approaching us and it is important that we start to take preventative actions to reduce the spread of germs and illness.
By protecting yourself from colds and flu you are also helping to protect the
people around you that are vulnerable to serious flu illness. These people can include children, the elderly, pregnant woman and people with asthma, heart disease, chronic lung disease or weakened immune systems due to disease or illnesses.
Preventative Actions
There a number of simple ways to prevent the spread of germs and illness, including:
• Avoiding contact with sick people
• Covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
• Frequently washing your hands
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth (Germs spread this way)
• Staying hydrated
• Getting the flu jab
• Including natural remedies / preventatives such as ginger, turmeric, lemon, honey
and vitamins to your diet

Employers may consider
providing an optional flu
injection for staff members
who work in high risk
environments, such as
education, health and retail.
Encourage staff to receive a flu injection, to eat healthy and to exercise regularly
to help reduce illnesses and sick leave.
Cleaning & Disinfecting Program
Employers can help contribute to these preventative actions by providing staff
with hand sanitizer, tissues and creating a plan to ensure frequently touched items
such as phones, door handles, tools, steering wheels, keyboards or touch screen systems are cleaned and disinfected regularly.
If you work in a retail environment cleaning and disinfecting eftpos machines, trolleys
or baskets regularly is also suggested.
By having a cleaning and disinfectant program in place it can help reduce staff and customer contact with germs. This program could involve a team member wiping down items with a disinfectant cleaner at intervals throughout the day and completing a checklist

If you are sick
if you do become sick it is best to stay home to stop the spread of germs to other team members. If you are unwell it is important to:
• Avoid contact with people, especially those who may be at vulnerable
• Stay home from work
• Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
• Frequently wash your hands
• Disinfect items you touch
• Get plenty of sleep
• Stay hydrated
• Wear a facemask when in public areas
• Include natural remedies such as ginger, turmeric, lemon, honey and vitamins to your diet
• See your doctor if needed